Triturus Profundis

Inspired by transparent creatures, such as the glass frog, Roberto Digiglio created this cute little critter.
It was also the perfect specimen to display Keyshot’s power with translucency.

This sort of cross between a frog and a newt lives in the depths of the earth, which is why its skin is transparent. Triturus Profundis is a very primitive amphibian, which feeds on large quantities of microscopic algae in underground water sources using its proboscis. It lives in the depths of the earth, which is why its skin is transparent. To compensate for poor vision, it uses its antennas to capture surrounding vibrations. The only reason it's not completely without eyes is the constant bioluminescence due to some fungi present in its habitat.

It very well deserved the 3D Total Excellence Award and is too featured on Creature Fix’s Top Row therefore.


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Toothy Monsters