Dragon Master Zhelong Xu
“Digital Artisan”, Zhelong Xu and his master piece, The Tomb Guardian, presented in Adobe’s Substance 3D Stager.
There’s much to say about Mr. Xu but one thing is certain, he is a master of his art.
Silhouette, details, esthetics, colors, overall presentation and especially the SOUL he puts into his creations is impeccable.
One of his most recent creations, The Tomb Guardian, displays it all. Let’s dive in and see …

Inspired by the imagination of his ancestors, the ancient Chinese, Xu knows very well how to express traditional art in “a modern way”. He truly re-lives being an ancient craftsmen himself and puts in a lot of heart and soul into his work.
The Tomb Guardian, which protects the tomb master from evil was inspired by a pair of Tomb Guardians from the Tang Dynasty displayed at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Inspiration and initial sketch by Xu
Lastly, Zhelong Xu, shows a little snippet of his work and the efficiency of Adobe’s Substance 3D Stager combined with Painter.